Saturday, March 5, 2011

Nypei: Bali's National Day of Silence

We were waiting all week for this day. Nypei is a national hidu holiday where the whole country has a day of silence to reflect, pray and meditate. The country shuts down an the Balinese stay inside with the lights out. Tourist are expected to stay in the hotels and not come on the streets.  The night before there is a parade where the ogoh-ogoh (monster) is carted down the street and dance performance and acts are performed. Is is like religious Disneyland. 

I made a mistake and moved from Ubud to Kuta for Nypei. I did not realize that Kuta was a party town for Australians. They spent the day of silence completely disrespecting this special Balinese holiday, drinking and screaming in the pools. You could see the pain on the staff's face as they had to cater to them. Mid day was a down pour and it seemed as if the Gods sent a signal for them to shut up and cleared them from the pool.

Today I will look for a new place to stay, but I am sick today..probably something I ate in Kuta.

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